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At Purlwell, writing is an integral part of all the curriculum.  Children are involved in writing for many purposes and for different audiences.  Children are immersed in models of writing through guided and teacher led activities and are also provided with a wide range of opportunities to become confident, independent writers. Writing includes many different elements – handwriting, spelling and planning and shaping texts and for this reason is a complex combination of many skills.

Physical development is at the forefront of good handwriting. In the early years we have worked hard to provide many opportunities to develop strong gross and fine motor skills. Resources have been carefully chosen specifically to strengthening core muscles, along with shoulder, arm and hand strength, including the use of a pincer grip. As children move through school they have access to discrete handwriting lessons where they are taught the formation and position of letters, along with the introduction of joined handwriting through the schools adopted ‘Letterjoin’ scheme.

The ability to use and apply phonics to link letters and sounds, and to recognise and use common irregular words is embedded in teaching and learning throughout school. 

. At Purlwell we aim for children to: - write every day through a range of contexts and cross curricular themes - express their unique 'writing voice' through the texts they write - choose words for effect to show purpose and audience - develop their understanding of the different types of punctuation as set down in the 2014 National Curriculum and understand the impact it has on the reader - learn how to spell key words accurately and apply them to their writing - develop their handwriting and presentation skills so that they produce pieces of writing they are proud of and that others can read.