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Our Vision

Purlwell is a happy place where little people are prepared for big possibilities!


Our Ethos and Values

Together we make it as easy as ABC:

Aspire – Have high expectations for all, including ourselves

Believe – Setting ambitious goals and striving for excellence

Collaborate – We all draw on the expertise of others


Vision, motto ethos & Values

Purlwell staff will work together and with others (parents and experts) to build firm foundations so children are ready for every stage and phase of their learning.  Aspirational targets will be set and regularly reviewed so every child reaches their full potential.  We want our children to:

  • be successful life-long learners who are confident, articulate and respectful of others
  • have the skills to deal with and overcome all the challenges they will encounter in life
  • be prepared to become proactive citizens who contribute positively to their communities and society 

 We aim to achieve this by:

  • Instilling curiosity, confidence, resilience and independence
  • Increasing communication, knowledge and skills
  • Improving personal, social and emotional literacy

 We will achieve this by:

  • Creating a caring, stimulating and organised environment where children feel safe, secure, happy and confident.
  • Providing a range of opportunities to broaden and build on children’s experiences throughout their time at Purlwell.
  • Sequencing and building on experiences and learning so children can do more, know more and remember more, year on year.
  • Having clarity and a clear rationale for what is being taught when and why.

We will do this through:

  • Having thorough knowledge of children’s starting points and their previous experiences
  • Teaching a broad, balanced, relevant and differentiated curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils equally, including those with special educational needs.
  • Whole school events, assemblies and charitable giving opportunities
  • Providing opportunities for parental involvement and learning

 Curiosity, confidence, resilience and independence will be developed through:

  • Careful planning and use of appropriate resources
  • Visits out of school and visitors in school
  • Exposure to new and different experiences
  • Using a range of teaching activities to ensure all children succeed
  • Opportunities to become independent learners through the Steps to Success and the development of metacognitive skills

 Increasing communication, knowledge and skills will be developed through:

  • A focus on developing tier two and tier three vocabulary
  • Opportunities to revisit learning and applying this across the curriculum
  • Good modelling from all adults
  • Opportunities to get involved in extra curricula activities
  • Harvest Assembly, Nativity, Ramadaan Assembly
  • Class Assembly performances

 Personal, social and emotional literacy will be developed through:

  • Providing a caring and nurturing environment
  • Understanding self and others / restorative practice
  • Peer and group learning opportunities
  • Steps to success
  • Involvement in working with others in different contexts through planned activities and community projects

Our aims will be achieved through relevant targets on the School Development Plan, Action Plans and in policies and procedures that underpin good practice.