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Homework at Purlwell

Activities are set for children to complete at home, you will be informed about class arrangements for returning work.  This is a good opportunity for parents to talk to children about what they have been learning at school.  Homework for each year group is:

Year 2:

  • Activity grid provided for the half-term (this includes online and written activities)
  • Weekly spellings
  • Weekly reading book (linked to child’s reading stage)
  • Weekly home reader (reading for pleasure book)

Year 1:

  • Weekly Friday Homework linked to current learning
  • Weekly spellings
  • Weekly reading book (linked to child’s reading stage)
  • Weekly home reader (reading for pleasure book)


  • Weekly Friday Homework linked to current learning (Phonics / Maths / English)
  • Weekly word card
  • Weekly reading book (linked to child’s reading stage)
  • Weekly home reader (reading for pleasure book)


  • Weekly home reader (reading for pleasure book)
  • Independence challenges and advice for parents (begin Autumn 2)
  • Weekly vocabulary card (begin Autumn 2)

 There is an expectation that parents support and encourage their child to complete the homework, but this must not be completed for them.  Please talk to you teacher if your child is struggling with the work or if you need any tips on how to best support your child.